The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Skegness Grammar School

We produce well-rounded individuals, and take pride in their personal achievements. Our students aspire to high academic success, whilst enjoying a variety of extra curricular opportunities.

Arts and Culture

Arts & Culture at Skegness Grammar School



An education at SGS is more than just amazing grades. Our scholars encounter the arts and culture from the moment they walk through the school gate. It is our heartbeat and permeates every aspect of the seven-year journey at SGS. As our scholar’s journey through the school, they find the richness and intrinsic joy of being part of a cultural and artistic community. The standard of many of our artists, writers and musicians is high, and our Sixth Formers regularly gain entrance to prestigious conservatoires and art schools. At SGS we want all our hard-working scholars to join and contribute to the wider community of educated citizens.

We believe that arts and cultural education sharpens our critical aptitude and promotes a higher level of thinking that can be applied to any discipline or social context. The world is rapidly changing and the ability to employ skills and knowledge that examines, synthesises, interprets, and questions information is key and has a leveraging impact throughout our lives.

We are excited to be working toward securing the prestigious Artsmark Award, which was started in September 2024. We are ambitious here and are striving for a Platinum accreditation, the highest award possible from the Arts Council England. We hope your child can be part of this journey, in so doing, they will be following in the footsteps of cultural and artistic giants.

Art Exhibition Arts Award Richmond Art Gallery

   Art Exhibition                               Arts Award                            Visual Art Gallery


Richmond Art Gallery

Richmond Academy Art Workshop Virtual Gallery 2024