Skegness Grammar School is governed by an Academy Scrutiny Committee.
Our governors are:
Governors (ID 1108)
Jude HuntonExecutive Headmaster
Jude Hunton
Cllr Jimmy BrookesDRET Appointed Governor (Chair)
Cllr Jimmy Brookes
Jimmy was appointed a DRET Appointed Governor on 12 January 2021 and has since been elected Chair. He decided to become a governor because he believed in investing in the learning and development of children and young people and thought this is the best way he might be able to help the pupils and academy achieve their aims and goals. He relishes the challenge the role of Chair and governor brings. He is self-employed at a company he started in 2012, selling t-shirts and promotional goods online. He is upbeat, happy and has an outgoing personality. Jimmy has experience of managing meetings, leading a team and he tries to get the best out of the team by understanding what motivates others and delegating tasks to suit their own knowledge and ability. Jimmy is passionate about e-commerce and the challenges it brings daily. He loves problem-solving and finding out why something has happened and then finding a solution to correct it.
Michael BurkeDRET Appointed Governor (Vice Chair)
Michael Burke
Michael joined the ASC as a DRET Appointed Governor on 11 February 2022. His three children attend the academy, all taking part in many of the available enrichment activities complimenting the academic input. For the past year or so Michael has worked closely with the SEN team at the academy, whose commitment to providing accessible education and activities for all is commendable. Michael is a retired police officer and now currently works as a civilian advising on the preparation of cases for trial. In the Police he held various leadership roles, including managing the training programme for new recruits and leading uniform response teams dealing with fast time incidents.
Michael was also a cadet, then adult volunteer, with the RAF Air Cadets, running a Squadron for many years and coordinating Adventurous activities for an area comprising of 26 Squadrons. The focus of the Air Cadets is very much on personal development, giving the young people access to activities that foster a spirit of adventure and developing the qualities of leadership and good citizenship.
Through a full Police career and over 30 years with RAF Air Cadets Michael has developed skills in Health & Safety, training, personal development, behaviour and welfare, safeguarding and problem solving, all of which will help further improve the academy experience for pupils and staff.
Daniel ShoubridgeDRET Appointed Governor
Daniel Shoubridge
Dan joined the ASC on 14 January 2019. Being a Governor allows him to have a wider impact in education across the region which he finds extremely rewarding. Not only can he effectively support and challenge the decisions and outcomes at Skegness Grammar School but it also mutually supports the provision offered at Humberston Academy, where he is Principal. He brings to the ASC knowledge and understanding of leading an Ofsted Outstanding graded school with World Class Schools status. He enjoys spending time with his family, travelling and a variety of sports.
James DeanDRET Appointed Governor
James Dean
James joined the ASC as a DRET Appointed Governor on 1 June 2018. However prior to that he used to Chair the Finance Committee on the former Governing Body. James is a Chartered Surveyor, Company Director and Farmer. He brings a wealth of knowledge and skills to the ASC. He is interested in young people, the Countryside and Sport.
Samuel SleightDRET Appointed Governor
Samuel Sleight
I decided to become a governor because I was previously a pupil at the school, and I am aware of its importance to the local community, and I want to be a part of assisting with the school's continued success in the future. I am a Chartered Legal Executive and I work in the Dispute Resolution Department. I can follow instructions on a wide range of disputes, identify and research applicable law and advise as to the different options, including a recommended option, to attempt to achieve a desired result. I enjoy spending time with my young family, playing and watching football.
Joanne WallaceDRET Appointed Governor
Joanne Wallace
Having moved recently to the area from Orkney I would like to be involved in the local community having a background in education and am still working in tertiary education. I have more than 30 years of working within tertiary education, university technology transfer and trans- national education and capacity building projects in both English and Scottish settings. I am currently a Principal for Higher Education which includes a FE remit. My first career before entering education was marketing and I taught marketing and enterprise/entrepreneurship for many years. I have also been involved with several business startups. Professionally - helping to support the improvement of life chances and student outcomes of all students and especially care experienced students. Outside of work, I enjoy travel and anything textile and cooking related.
Sadie BurginDRET Appointed Governor
Sadie Burgin
I became a governor as my daughter attends the school and I would like to make a difference for her and all pupils. I work as a marketing and social media manager in Skegness. I work with many local businesses and have built strong bonds within the community because of this. I lead the fundraising in my company for a children's charity known as Cash For Kids raising money for underprivileged children within the local area. I have experience in social media, marketing, leading and managing projects and teams as well as sales and advertising in all forms. I will bring a positive and open mindset to the committee without fear of being objective. In my spare time I like to explore my interest in photography.
Michael CowleyParent Governor
Michael Cowley
Michael was appointed a Parent Governor on 20 February 2023. Michael became a governor to support the community and help the academy achieve high pupil outcomes. Michael has been a postman in Skegness for 34 years and has very good local knowledge of the area and the wider community. He is also a kickboxing instructor at the local SFK gym. Michael also enjoys different genres of music and walking his French bulldogs.
Martyn KnowlesParent Governor
Martyn Knowles
I became a governor as I was formally a teacher and can offer my experience with students of all ages. I previously taught English, history, maths and sport. I taught English to foreign students in Thailand,Cambodia and Vietnam. I am also a former Town Councillor for Wainfleet. I am interested in football and am a member of the Lawn Bowles in Skegness.
Alex GreenStaff Governor
Alex Green
Alex was appointed a Staff Governor on 8 July 2021. As a member of staff who understands the intricate operation of school-trust relationships, he values the important input each stakeholder makes to the rich life of the academy. Staff are a fundamental part of the school. For the David Ross Trust, Alex is the Subject Lead for Secondary Music and has a proven track record of developing and managing multiple departments across the Trust in a cooperative and collegiate manner. As Director of Music at Skegness Grammar, he has turned around the Music department to become one of the highest performing, high profile departments in the Trust. Throughout his teaching career, spanning over a decade and in a variety of settings from HMP Prisons, single sex schools, challenging comprehensives to Skegness Grammar School, he has found that staff morale, sense of value and voice have made a monumental difference to school performance. Alex is the Chairman of the Grimsby, Cleethorpes and District Youth Orchestra, where he has managed a number of overseas high-quality music experiences for a large number of young musicians. At home, he runs a smallholding of sheep, pigs and chickens in the Lincolnshire Wolds and operate extremely high welfare standards, positive environmental impact and actively support wildlife sustainability. He has two young children both of whom love to help out on the farm.
David OrtonStaff Governor
David Orton
David was elected a Staff Governor on 8 July 2021. Being a governor has given David the opportunity to be part of the direction of Skegness Grammar school and allows him to gain more of the bigger picture. David has been teaching for 23 years and experienced leading, being a boarding houseparent, organising activities week among others and governorship was a new direction for him. David is a Product Design teacher who has a background in the design engineering sector, having been a draughtsman and product designer for Premier Percussion for 10 years, designing percussion instruments and drum kits, before returning to education to gain a degree. David brings his ICT skills, especially in graphical communication, having designed many of the school publications such as the Aenean magazine and school Prospectus documents among others. He is an artist, working in pencil, pen and paint as well as digital design. David is also passionate about Films, from classics to independent cinema and runs the school Film Club.
Anna ChesterClerk
Anna Chester
Anna has been clerking academies within the Trust since September 2020. Prior to that she spent 33 years working for HM Revenue and Customs, specialising in complaints investigation, including Adjudicator and MP cases. Anna is also Vice Chair and DRET Appointed Governor at Humberston Academy. Anna enjoys gardening, walking her dog and visiting museums and other cities around the world.
Current Governors
Name | Governor Type | Appointed By | Term of Office | Term From | Term To | Declarations of Interest and other Governance Roles | Governor Assigned Responsibilities | Attendance 23/24 | Attendance 24/25 |
Jimmy Brookes | Appointed governor | Appointed by foundation/trust | Second | 12 Jan 2025 | 11 Jan 2029 |
2 of a possible 5 | 1 of a possible 2 |
Michael Burke | Appointed governor | Appointed by foundation/trust | First | 11 Feb 2022 | 10 Feb 2026 |
5 of a possible 5 | 2 of a possible 2 |
Michael Cowley | Parent governor | Elected by parents | First | 20 Feb 2023 | 19 Feb 2027 |
3 of a possible 5 | 2 of a possible 2 |
James Dean | Appointed governor | Appointed by foundation/trust | Second | 01 Jun 2022 | 31 May 2026 |
4 of a possible 5 | 0 of a possible 2 |
Alex Green | Staff governor | Elected by school staff | First | 08 Jul 2021 | 7 Jul 2025 |
3 of a possible 5 | 0 of a possible 2 | |
Jude Hunton | Executive Headmaster | Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/ principal |
Not applicable | 20 Apr 2020 | Ex Officio |
5 of a possible 5 | 1 of a possible 2 |
David Orton | Staff governor | Elected by school staff | First | 08 Jul 2021 | 7 Jul 2025 |
0 of a possible 5 | 1 of a possible 2 |
Daniel Shoubridge | Appointed governor | Appointed by foundation/trust | Second | 29 Nov 2024 | 28 Nov 2028 |
5 of a possible 5 | 1 of a possible 2 |
Samuel Sleight | Appointed governor | Appointed by foundation/trust | First | 22 Sep 2023 | 21 Sep 2027 |
3 of a possible 5 | 1 of a possible 2 | |
Joanne Wallace | Appointed governor | Appointed by foundation/trust | First | 19 Sep 2024 | 18 Sep 2028 |
Not applicable, not in post | 1 of a possible 2 | |
Sadie Burgin | Appointed governor | Appointed by foundation/trust | First | 24 Sep 2024 | 23 Sep 2028 |
Not applicable, not in post | 0 of a possible 2 | |
Martyn Knowles | Parent governor | Elected by parents | First | 26 Sep 2024 | 25 Sep 2028 |
Not applicable, not in post | 1 of a possible 2 |
Former Governors
Below is a list of governors that served in the past 12 months.
Name | Governor type | Appointed by | Terms served | First appointed | Leaving date | Declarations of interests and other governance roles | Attendance 2022/23 | Attendance 2023/24 |
Helen Grunnill | Parent governor | Elected by parents | 1 | 28 Jun 2023 | 8 May 2024 |
1 of a possible 1 | 1 of a possible 4 |
Contacting Us
The Governance Officer for Skegness Grammar School is Gemma Yates. Gemma can be reached at
To contact a governor, please contact the Trust Governance Team by emailing
If you are looking to contact a Governor to make a complaint or share a concern, please note that as per our Complaints Policy, governors do not investigate complaints at Stage 1 or Stage 2. This enables them to be impartial should a complaint be escalated to a Stage 3 governor panel. If you wish to make a complaint, please complete this form and your complaint will be investigated accordingly.
Scheme of Delegation
Information about the David Ross Education Trust's scheme of delegation is available here.
Minutes of the Academy Scrutiny Committee
Should you wish to view a copy of the minutes of the ASC at this academy, please contact the Trust Governance Team (, who will be able to provide you with an electronic or paper copy of the minutes.
Are you interested in becoming an academy governor?
We are looking for new governors to support our academies. Our governors work closely with their academies to support the Trust’s goal of broadening the horizons of young people through a world-class education, equipping our students with the skills and experiences to become their confident, academic best, no matter what.
If you have an interest in, and commitment to, improving education and would like to make a difference within your community, please register your interest in becoming a governor by completing our governor application form. If you have any questions about a governor’s role or responsibilities please contact us at or review our information pack below.
march 2024 governor recruitment booklet.pdf
What is it like being a governor with DRET?
To understand what it is like to be a governor with us, take a look at our testimonial booklet and videos which contain insights from serving governors.
governor testimonial booklet .pdf
Emma Bennett
Angela Watts
Stephen Platten
Garry Allen
Michael Burke
What training do Governors receive?
We offer an extensive range of training opportunities. Take a look at what is on offer for the current academic year.