The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Skegness Grammar School

We produce well-rounded individuals, and take pride in their personal achievements. Our students aspire to high academic success, whilst enjoying a variety of extra curricular opportunities.

Transport & Travel 

Traffic & Pedestrian Safety Around School

We continue to make positive safety measures around the entrance to SGS for our families, students, staff and visitors. We need your help to implement these safety measures and ask that you follow the below guidance. 

Travelling To School By Bus

Lincolnshire County Council School Transport

If your child is starting or transferring to secondary school they may be eligible for local authority provided  school transport.  If you think your child is eligible please apply for transport as soon as you have your offer of a school place.  Applications can be made online at the website below or a telephone application can be made by contacting the Lincolnshire County Council Customer Service Centre on 01522 782020.

For more information about the home to school transport policy and online applications through LCC please go to Queries can be emailed to

Travelling To School By Car 

Driving children to school may be the most convenient choice and many families take the view that by driving their children to school they are keeping them safe. However, the combination of each individual decision means an increase in vehicle traffic and congestion. We also have an infant and junior school in our locality so there are large volumes of pedestrians who must take priority over all motorised traffic.

We realise that there are some families who have no alternative but to drive their children to school, however, please encourage your child to walk if you are only driving short distances. Even those who must drive to school can support safer conditions by parking away from the school entrance and walking for part of the journey. This would greatly reduce the amount of traffic congestion we see on our approach roads into school each day and create a safer environment for students walking to and from school. 

We would like to ask all those who have no option but to drive their children to school to keep safety at the very forefront of their minds.

Thank you for your co-operation in this very important matter and for helping to keep all of our SGS family safe.

Please Do

Keep your speed to 4mph.

Obey instructions of staff members that are marshalling.

Please only come to collect your child AFTER 15.05 when the school gates will open automatically. We are keen to keep our local residents happy and long queues blocking Vernon Road causes frustration and upset.

Please queue and drop off or collect in the marked DROP OFF bays and check mirrors before opening doors into oncoming traffic.

Be patient, kind and courteous to everyone.

If you come into school during the day for an appointment, please only park in designated bays and reverse in so you can easily check a clear path before driving out.

Please Do Not

Please do not park up early in the parking bays at the front of school - when you need to leave you will be reversing into oncoming traffic and pedestrians.

Please do not park in the car park beyond the zebra crossing. This car park is designated for SGS STAFF and is used for late evening after-school activities only. If families try to use this area during pick up it requires drivers to pass through students who are getting on the mini buses, students walking home and creates an additional safety risk. 

Travelling To School By Bicycle

We actively encourage students to arrive to school by bicycle as this is a healthy and environmentally friendly way to travel. Please abide by The Highway Code and be careful when arriving/leaving the busy school site, keeping an eye out for pedestrians and traffic. Please dismount on entry to the school site. Bicycle racks are located next to the staff car park for storage, please bring your own lock. 

Travelling To School On Foot

The pedestrian access to school is via Vernon Road or Talbot Road. Please note that you will need to use our Vernon Road access only between 8.40am and 3.10pm to enable us to unlock the gate via the intercom. There is no intercom on Talbot Road. These roads can be busy so please stick to the paths and make sure you cross the road safely and stay visible to traffic.