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Skegness Grammar School

We produce well-rounded individuals, and take pride in their personal achievements. Our students aspire to high academic success, whilst enjoying a variety of extra curricular opportunities.

Uniform at SGS

At Skegness Grammar School, we believe uniform serves three important purposes: 

Uniform encourages a sense of community identity and pride.

By wearing the same badge and the same clothing, our students show and feel a sense of belonging to Skegness Grammar School. Our community recognises our uniform and knows that those who wear it are ambitious and respectful citizens. 

Uniform encourages our students to develop habits for life.

By learning to polish their shoes, fold trousers or hang up their blazers, students learn the habits of discipline and personal responsibility that will stay with them for life. 

Uniform prevents unkindness or bullying while keeping costs down.

By requiring all our students to wear the same hard-wearing uniform, we reduce the incentive for students to ask parents for the latest (and most expensive) items of fashion. As a result, costs are kept as low as possible and no student can be seen to be poorer or wealthier than any other. This is important to us because we care most about our student’s achievements, academia, character and values much more than their appearance. 

Please see the specific uniform policy below for details on school attire and PE kit.

skeg0002 parent online ordering information 2025.pdf

 Our suppliers are: Price & Buckland 

P&B offer FREE delivery on orders over £70 in value and  a FREE returns service.  

You have 2 options for delivery: 

1) Direct delivery to your home. For orders under £70 the charge is £4.50 using Royal Mail tracked service. 2) FREE of charge deliveries into school each month. Parents/carers receive an email informing them when their parcel is on its way and they can track its progress through the Royal Mail system. Deliveries are made on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month during school term time.  Price & Buckland - SGS Uniform Delivery Information

Price & Buckland - SGS Uniform Ordering

Price & Buckland - How to order 


SGS School Uniform

PE Kit Uniform

Uniform checks are conducted daily. We do keep a supply of uniform in school for the inevitable days where wardrobe malfunctions occur. We are always happy to help supply items of clean or new uniform temporarily.  Heads of Year will be on hand each morning, so families can always ask discretely if they need support.  

Uniform Orders and Collections for Summer 2024 

Getting the correct size:  

To help you to order the correct size there are size charts on the website or we have a full set of all sizes for our compulsory uniform in school and you are welcome to come and try sizes - advance notice is required. 

Collecting your order from school:  

To check when we will be receiving deliveries from our supplier into school please see the website here:   

For students entitled to Free School Meals a £60.00 voucher code towards the cost of uniform is available once per academic year. We do not receive details from Lincolnshire County Council regarding free school meal entitlements until your child starts in September so, please forward evidence of your eligibility to and we can forward the voucher code to you.  

Second Hand Uniform:

Winnies Community Lounge Winthorpe Road, off Roman Bank. Open Monday – Thursday (10:00 – 15:00) All uniform is free of charge as they are a registered Charity @Winthorpe Community Partnership. The shop holds a stock of SGS uniform and they welcome donations of our uniform and any school wear. E.g., coats/shoes. All uniform items are given out for FREE.

Contact: Jodi – Phone number: 07738 997000  


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